Placement techniques in our Private Service profession have changed dramatically in the last few years.

  1. New employers do not understand your value other than for cooking and cleaning.
  2. Employees who are not Starkey Graduates do not have the language to communicate their value and what Household Management really can be.
  3. Those seeking positions do not understand what the right style of position is for them.
  4. Employers do not understand how to choose the right candidate for them.

To ensure long-term success, Placement in Private Service has become a highly sophisticated matching process. All Starkey Graduates (we have a 95 percent placement rate) are represented by Starkey after training.

In 40 years, we’ve learned what works for our high-net-worth Clientele, and know what is individually correct for our Graduates!

“Service must be positioned to be successful!”

Contact Starkey at 720-788-3398.