The Relationship of ServiceService Management as a career path has entered a wider and more sophisticated range of possibilities in recent years.  From an educational perspective, many within the hospitality and hotel sector have voiced that “we have created the best of the best in physical environments, but only have begun to broach the real education of our service providers.”   We have reached the ceiling in our service management educational abilities, and are now seeking new, revolutionary educational offerings to teach us what “The Relationship of Service” really is.  What must be put into place to accomplish “Genuine Service Relationships” that will consistently meet and exceed the needs of our Guests?

Starkey’s cutting edge expertise is much needed throughout the Hospitality and Private Service industry.  Starkey’s new and highly progressive, 255-hour, 4 week Service Management Program focuses on sharing what Starkey has developed over the last thirty years with serving the High-Net Worth world and our seasoned Relationship of Service skill.  Service must become “Service as an Expertise”!  This is essential knowledge for all those seeking to make a difference in the hospitality profession and quickly rise to the top.  This is essential new knowledge for General Managers of Boutique Hotels and Private Clubs and for all those working directly with Guests, including Concierges in hotels and those within the growing Senior Service Residential Communities, and of course for technically centered Butlers who serve the high-net-worth.  This proven knowledge provides the missing service management expertise within the hospitality Profession.