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Starkey International Household Service Association

Announcing: Connecting Starkey Grads

Starkey Graduates are now close to 1,500 in number and almost 25 years old in quality and experience. Congratulations to each of you. I am most proud of the work we all have accomplished. You have   raised the bar and changed the way Private Service is delivered.Starkey continues to be asked to find ways of connecting you to one another. While we have opted to support DEMA in their conference   efforts, and not continue Restoring the Art gatherings, we do feel those educated at Starkey have the ability and need to share with each other. If you have an interest in connecting with other Graduates   for sharing knowledge, discussing the merits of available national resources, or if you are just feeling isolated and wish to connect privately with others from your Graduating class or in your current   employment location, please follow the attached link to formally register your interest. Call Starkey to connect to other Graduates  (303) 832-5510

Note of Appreciation from Denver Professional Mens Club


Service for Denver Professional Mens Club


Just a note of appreciation to you for hosting the Denver Professional Mens Club for our meeting in September!

Time slipped away from me however you have been in my thoughts as I think it is really grand of you to host us at your wonderful home and business.  Your staff as always were great and I’ve attached a photo of them that wonderful night.

Have a great holiday season, 2012 has slipped by so very fast but as they say the older people become the quicker time flies by due to our mind’s reference of time.

David York

Visit the Denver Professional Mens Club website at:


Placement Update

Starkey Certified Household ManagersThe Starkey International Institute has a rich lineage in the private service industry. In fact Starkey invented, coined, and began utilizing the majority of terminology that has spread all across the entire private service world.

This is why we sometime struggle with the title Placement Department at Starkey International. This department’s title has connotations to an employment agency, simply matching employers to employees. Maybe we should change the department within Starkey to the Mosaic Department.  A mosaic is a breath-taking piece of art or decoration in composition, yet being made up of diverse elements. Starkey Certified Household Manager Alumni are the amazing colored pieces glass inlaid to become part of an astonishing whole.

Placement Update

Certified ManagersLast week was very exciting for us in the Placement Department. We began on a path of discovery that examined our dedication to Starkey’s applicants,  as they become graduates.

Our question was how to better support future students through the admissions process and into the placement phase.  This led to a new “Education First” process. Launching this program has galvanized admissions and placement departments.  This means that an applicant, thinking about enrolling at Starkey International, will have access to the placement department to ask any questions, outline the process, and begin a relationship with placement from their very first steps.

We are excited about this new project. Both the Admissions Department and the Placement Department are looking forward to hearing feedback from applicants, students, and Certified Household Manager graduates.